The Inspiring Story of Modhera

Modhera in the state of Gujarat has become India’s first village to be powered by entirely by solar energy. The cost of the solar project was $9.7 million, which was jointly paid by the Central Government of the country and the State Government of Gujarat. The project has three major components; viz: the ground mounted 6-megawatt project, the 15-megawatt battery storage system and the one-kilowatt rooftops installed on 1,300 houses

The project not only helps to reduce energy bills, but also serves as a source of income, because the surplus power generate can be sold back to the grid. In fact, because of this, residents can save between 60 and 100 percent of their power bills. It has been referred to by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres as “reconciliation between humankind and planet”.


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