SRI Boosts Rice Production in Vietnam

Millions of smallholder farmers in the Vietnam grow barely enough rice to meet their own needs. Faced with the effects of climate change and increasing prices of inputs like fertiliser and agrochemicals, they increasingly struggle to meet even their own bare subsistence requirements. In 2006, the ‘System of Rice Intensification’ (SRI) was tested in Northern Vietnam. It is a set of agronomic practices developed in the 1980s in Madagascar to help smallholder farmers grow more rice in a sustainable way, using less water and other inputs. The results were so good that the Ministry of Agriculture endorsed SRI in 2007, and in the same year the approach was rolled out across several provinces in the country. More than one million smallholder farmers in Vietnam are benefiting from this package of rice production practices that boost yields, reduce water demand, enhance the environment and mitigate climate change.


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