The tale of a carbon-negative kingdom

Bhutan, officially the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a landlocked country in the eastern Himalayas of South Asia. The small nation shares borders with China and India. Since it is not an industrial country, its energy demand is much lower than that of many other countries. Forest land covers about 70% of the Bhutan and acts as a natural carbon sink, capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. As per 2017 statistics, Bhutan generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, but large tracts of Bhutan’s forests have the potential to sequester nearly three times that amount. 

Bhutan exports most of its renewable energy generated from fast-flowing rivers. Thanks to that, they can also offset about 6 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Despite projections suggesting its emissions could nearly double by 2040, the country will remain carbon negative if it keeps current levels of forest cover.


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