Africa’s Largest Wind Project

After commencing only in 2015, the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project (LTWP) in Kenya rapidly become the largest such initiative in Africa, and Kenya’s single largest investment in the country’s history. It began generating electricity in 2018 and was fully inaugurated in 2019. The government collaborated with the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) to construct a 438 kilometre long transmission line connecting the power station to the grid – the single largest private financing in Kenya.

Profits from the LTWP are now being used to build infrastructure in a region that has traditionally been seen as a battle zone for cattle rustlers, which has a rural community that has been too often overlooked. The LTWP is committed to invest a portion of its operating revenues in its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm, a foundation called Winds of Change (WoC), which aims to improve the livelihoods of adjacent communities. This includes social programmes and transport infrastructure; health and education, with over 250 million of investment.


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