Shankar’s Initiative

Muthupet, located in Thiruvarur district in Tamil Nadu, India used to receive significant amounts of rainfall. However, in due course of time, as rainfall patterns changed, the quantity of fresh water, flowing from the Cauvery River to the mangroves of the area through traditional fishing canals, dwindled. This led to an increase in the soil salinity levels. With this, mangrove species that were more sensitive to salinity began to die out. It also affected communities that depended on the mangroves for their livelihood.

A person named Sankar mobilized the community and along with the forest department, they have been digging canals for regular tidal flow to keep soil salinity intact and preserve the mangroves of Muthupet. The canals help to preserve the mangroves, which in turn, protect the people. Sankar also worked closely with researchers to educate the coastal community on the importance of mangrove forests to their livelihood.


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