Airports take Impactful Steps for Carbon Management

Airports Council International (ACI) in Mar 2023, released the annual airport climate action results for Airport Carbon Accreditation, the global carbon standard for airports founded and managed by ACI EUROPE on behalf of airports worldwide.

The preceding reporting year, running from May 2021 to May 2022, ended with 395 airports spanning 79 countries engaging in carbon management and reduction at one of the six program levels. The 91 new accreditations reported in 2023 represent the highest growth since Airport Carbon Accreditation’s inception in 2009. Airports have also made great strides in progressing to more stringent levels of accreditation – 86 airports upgraded to a higher level of carbon management during the year, with 89 having now achieved advanced levels of carbon management. More than half a million tons of carbon dioxide were reduced by the global community of airports certified by Airport Carbon Accreditation between May ’21 and May ’22.


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