Ripple Africa

Since 2010 Ripple Africa has been supporting communities to protect 340 of forest in northern Malawi, mainly in Nkhata Bay District. In 2017 they expanded this support and started working with communities in Choma Hill in Mzimba District as vast areas of once lush forests had been lost to illegal charcoal production. Over the years their team created Forest Conservation Committees, each comprising of 11 members, and trained these committees in understanding the importance of having and protecting trees.

The committees then teach their village and together, protect the forests. They also carry out other activities such as creating firebreaks, setting up bee hives and working with Forestry Department to carry out patrols. When Ripple Africa started working in Choma Hill one would struggle to see many trees but after years of hard work and dedication, those forests are regenerating and the hills are beginning to look green again.


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