Sabah a Malaysian Success Story on Forest Restoration

On 6 January 2021, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin planted a Merbau tree on the grounds of his official residence, Seri Perdana – the first of the 100 million trees the Malaysian government plans to plant between 2020-2025. The success of Bukit Piton in restoring orang-utan habitat was a result of a vision quite similar to this Campaign.

WWF-Malaysia’s collaborative reforestation efforts in Bukit Piton began in 2007, where open and exposed areas were planted with fast-growing pioneer species. Restoration efforts at Bukit Piton saw completion in November 2019, with 2,400 ha of degraded forests successfully restored. In 2011, after years of careful observation on the field, WWF-Malaysia’s Orangutan Conservation Team found that the orangutans had begun utilizing the replanted trees in the area. The presence of orangutan babies was also found, which was a sure sign that the orangutans were eventually recognizing Bukit Piton as the home that they once lost, but had now been revived.


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