The Art of Living Excels in the Art of Rejuvenating Rivers

India’s groundwater crisis is a pressing concern, but The Art of Living is taking proactive measures to address it. Their commendable River Rejuvenation Project aims to revive desiccated rivers sustainably. With a systematic and scientific approach, The Art of Living is working diligently to rejuvenate rivers and ensure water supply for rural India. The Art of Living team uses a comprehensive approach to restore the hydrological cycle and revitalize water bodies. This involves restoring rivers, drains, lakes, and ponds to their natural state, enabling efficient rainwater capture. Local communities are actively involved, and capacity building through training is emphasized. Afforestation and soil conservation measures are implemented. Specialized structures designed by their scientists, hydrogeologists, and GIS experts maximize water percolation into groundwater aquifers. The dedicated efforts of The Art of Living volunteers have played a crucial role in restoring and revitalizing rivers and streams, positively impacting millions of people across the country.


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