World’s First Commercial Seaweed Farm in an Offshore Wind Farm

The dream of building the world’s first commercial-scale seaweed farm within an offshore wind farm edged a little closer to reality when the Irish firm Simply Blue Group stamped its seal of approval on the North Sea Farm 1 project. The rough-and-tumble environment of an offshore wind array is not the easiest place to establish a new aquaculture venture, but the crowded North Sea provides seaweed farmers with few other options. A group of seaweed industry stakeholders is determined to make it happen, and if all goes according to plan the idea will spread to wind farms all over the North Sea.

North Sea Farm 1 is a creation of the trade organization North Sea Farmers. The plan calls for a new seaweed operation to be deployed and seeded in an offshore wind farm, in the North Sea off the coast of the Netherlands.


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