Healthy Forests Healthy Waters

The Healthy Forests Healthy Waters program offers private landowners in Maryland, United States a cost-free opportunity to establish new woodland cover on their property.

  • Maryland Forest Service staff work with landowners to develop personalized tree planting plans
  • Experienced service providers plant the trees and maintain the trees for three years
  • Landowners agree to maintain tree cover for at least 10 years.

As of the end of 2022, 1,067 acres of new woodlands have been planted on 239 parcels of land. An additional 353 acres were planned through 2023. An estimated 25 percent of Healthy Forests Healthy Waters plantings are implemented in riparian areas. These plantings reduce the amounts of nutrients and sediments entering Chesapeake Bay waterways. At the same time, they offer benefits to landowners, such as increased wildlife habitat, more privacy, and aesthetic values.


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