Saving Orangutans

The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation, the largest and arguably most successful orangutan conservation program in the world, continues its bid to garner global support during what they say is a critical and urgent time to fight the extinction of orangutans, with its launch into New Zealand from July 2023.

With only around 57,000 wild Bornean orangutans estimated to be left in the wild, they face many threats, with habitat loss through deforestation and forest fires, illegal hunting, and illegal wildlife trade being the main threats to their well-being, survival, and population. All orangutan species are critically endangered, facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. BOS’s “rehab and release” program teaches orphaned and separated orangutans to survive in the wild during the world’s first ‘orangutan school’. The program has forged a major breakthrough in the fight to save the critically endangered orangutans of Borneo, with more than 500 “graduates” rehabilitated and released successfully back into the forest where they will be safe from human interaction, poaching and farming.


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