Refugees and Host Communities Benefitted by Reforestation Program in Burundi

In the UNHCR-run camps in Burundi, refugees used to cut trees for firewood and cooking, negatively affecting the environment. A project, supported by the African Development Bank, introduced briquettes as an alternative and sustainable source of energy for cooking. The scheme also provided agroforestry training sessions to raise awareness of the importance of trees, and to promote reforestation and environmental preservation. Some 1,066 refugees and host community members received seeds and learned how to plant, monitor, and preserve trees.

In two years, some 28,320 trees were planted in and around the camps on a total area of 325 hectares. In addition, 62 hectares of trees have been identified and classified as a protected natural area. The communities have benefited most from the knowledge and skills acquired from the training to plant fruit trees (avocado, mango) and garden plants (vegetables, tea, and other crops) in the plots surrounding their homes, improving their diet.


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